Jan and Chuan organised a lantern party & treasure hunt for the Sunday School kids recently and this is what Jan had to say...
"We had great fun at the 22 Aug lantern party with the Sunday School kids and their families (total about 22 adults and 12 kids) at our home. I hope the kids enjoyed their treasure hunt and the adults, fellowship time. We had the yummiest durian cake (made by TP) and celebrated Yin Ling's birthday.
We had some great looking lanterns and our judges (Lim Lee and Lee Lan) put on their "thinking caps" to select the winner. Most of all, we hope the parents and kids bonded in the making of their lanterns. One thing that I noticed from the treasure hunt, our younger generation is quite unfamiliar with nursery rhymes. But it is not too late to remedy that - parents go see Dana Ward, who had kindly compiled a small compendium of rhymes for the treasure hunt."
Sunday schoolers
Treasure hunt briefing
Solving one clue
Lanterns galore

Beaming with joy... winners of the best lantern
Best lantern... from the Yeo family
Here's the Yeos' story behind the making-of the winning lantern...
"Being the winner (of the lantern-making contest) was fun, but, what was more fun was actually the process that went into making our prize-winning lantern.
When we came home from church that Sunday CC announced the dinner cum lantern contest for Sunday School children (and their families), ideas, lots of crazy ideas flew around the lunch table. We were practically trying to out-do one another with out-of-the-box ideas, having a good laugh at the wilder ones. No, we will not divulge...who knows, we might just make that for next year's contest. Finally, Key said, "You all come up with the idea(s), and, I'll help to make it happen." We agreed on a biblical theme, it being a church spring-off event. A round lantern? A 4-sided one? Mom wants a burning bush.
Along came Monday, and, all of us were swept into the busy river of exams, baking, homework, practising music, cooking, working, phone calls, a tooth broke, another tooth ached, unscheduled dentist visits, rushing to classes, no time to think!! Uh-oh...is it Saturday already?!
A hurried and condensed brainstorming session took place over a late breakfast. We prayed for practical ideas, bringing down to earth the more flighty ones we had the previous week. Somehow, one idea after another fell into place. Plastic cover of egg trays were thought to be good material...Mel painted them while Dad made a stable frame from rescued clothes hangers. Kimberly!!! You do the burning bush, mom draw the fish, dad cut out Jonah. Nat picked up our mess.
As our lantern took shape, we felt a warm camaraderie from working as a family, as a team, each one contributing, each one giving his/her best. As ribbons were added as the final touch, whether or not it was going to be a winner that night, we were proud of our efforts and were surprised at how smoothly we worked as a team.
When we came home from church that Sunday CC announced the dinner cum lantern contest for Sunday School children (and their families), ideas, lots of crazy ideas flew around the lunch table. We were practically trying to out-do one another with out-of-the-box ideas, having a good laugh at the wilder ones. No, we will not divulge...who knows, we might just make that for next year's contest. Finally, Key said, "You all come up with the idea(s), and, I'll help to make it happen." We agreed on a biblical theme, it being a church spring-off event. A round lantern? A 4-sided one? Mom wants a burning bush.
Along came Monday, and, all of us were swept into the busy river of exams, baking, homework, practising music, cooking, working, phone calls, a tooth broke, another tooth ached, unscheduled dentist visits, rushing to classes, no time to think!! Uh-oh...is it Saturday already?!
A hurried and condensed brainstorming session took place over a late breakfast. We prayed for practical ideas, bringing down to earth the more flighty ones we had the previous week. Somehow, one idea after another fell into place. Plastic cover of egg trays were thought to be good material...Mel painted them while Dad made a stable frame from rescued clothes hangers. Kimberly!!! You do the burning bush, mom draw the fish, dad cut out Jonah. Nat picked up our mess.
As our lantern took shape, we felt a warm camaraderie from working as a family, as a team, each one contributing, each one giving his/her best. As ribbons were added as the final touch, whether or not it was going to be a winner that night, we were proud of our efforts and were surprised at how smoothly we worked as a team.
Thank you, Jan and Cheng Chuan, for giving us this opportunity...actually, forcing us...to put on hold our individual pursuits...and creating a good memory for our family. And, indeed, that is how we should work...contributing through our own abilities...but, together, to build up the Kingdom of God."
The Yeos' "Eco-green" lantern
Burning bush?
Another view
Thanks again Jan and Chuan, for organising the event and congrats to the Yeo family for coming up with the winning lantern.